- Required TrainingStudents are encouraged to complete training as early as possible. All returning students, faculty and staff must complete the Fabrication Lab Refresher.
- Reserving Machine TimeReserve Machine Time using the FabJob App. Use a TMP folder for short-term file storage for walk-up use and consultations.
In order to create a smooth workflow for importing Illustrator files into Zünd Editor, please observe the following:
- The Zünd accepts files formatted as Adobe Illustrator.
- Export geometry from Rhino as .AI files.
- Use the Zünd Naming Conventions for file and layer names
- Do not use sub-layers in Rhino or Adobe Illustrator, the Zünd Software does not recognize sub-layer information
- The effective maximum stock size is 98″ x 52″ (x 1.8″ in height)
- The long axis of the machine is in the positive X direction
Zünd Naming Convention
Name_material_thickness_number of whole
eg: Vroman_Museumboard_2ply_1of3
Download Template Files.
To see a description of methods, see Tools and Methods.
Registration Method
“Registration Dot”
Use this layer for 1/4″ black dots that have been printed onto the media, to help align the cuts to the printed graphics.
Draw the outer perimeter of the material, to help align the cuts to the axes of the machine and the edges of the material.
Cut Method
All “Cut” operations are for through-cuts using a knife blade. These cuts are intended to go through the full thickness of the material.
Use this layer for features like windows, which need to be cut first.
Use this layer for features like part perimeters, which need to be cut last.
Use this layer for features when cut order is not important.
Score Method
All “Score” operations are for cuts that do not cut through the full thickness of the material, using a knife blade.
*Replace [depth] with the desired % of score depth (use numbers that ends with 0 , eg: Score_10, Score_50).

Draw Method
*Replace [color] with the desired color of pen for drawing. There are four color options of ball point pen in available: Black, Red, Green, and Blue (eg: Draw_Red)
Bevel Cut Method
*Replace [degree] with the desired angle of the cut. The VCT can cut in 15, 22.5, 30, 45 degree.

V Cut Method
- “Vcut_[degree]”
- *Replace [degree] with the desired angle of the cut.
- The VCT can cut in 15, 22.5, 30, 45 degree.

Download Route Rhino Template or Adobe Illustrator Template.
To see a description of methods, see Tools and Methods.
Registration Method
- “Registration Dot”
- “Stock”
Route Method
- “Route_Interior”
- “Route_Exterior”

Interior corner will maintain the radius of the bit. There is no way to maintain a 90 degree sharp angle for for interior corner. Please design the cut accordingly.
The “Route Method” requires that either “inside” or “outside” is chosen, there is no option for “on center”. Therefore, any open curves that are used to define a “Route Method” will cause the router bit to travel to one side or the other, and may behave unpredictably.
To create a through-cut aligning the centerline of the router tool with the curve, assign the geometry to the “Engrave_R” layer and specify the depth of cut as being through the material in note to the Zünd TAs.
Engrave Method
- “Engrave_E”
- “Engrave_R”
- “Engrave_Fill”
If you have more than one engraving depth, please add “_1″,” _2″, “_3”..etc after the layer name. Indicate your desired cut depth on a separate note and consult with a Zund TA.
See the diagram below for different engraving options. Bit geometry is pictured on the left, fill patterns on the right. The “Engrave Method” can also be used to cause the router bit to trace along a curve, without a fill pattern.

Unless using a close curve to define a fill area in Cut Editor, the “Engrave Method” does not allow you to specify “inside” nor “outside”. Therefore, any open or closed curve will be cut with the bit traveling “on center”.
*For R type bit, the thickness of the engraved line is same as the diameter of the bit. For E type bit, the depth of the cut will directly influence the thickness of the engraving line.
*Hatch-Fill fills the area with a pattern of parallel lines, Island-Fill fills the area with a pattern of concentric curves based on the outer perimeter.
Zünd Cutter Hours
We have two Zünd Cutters available during Office Hours: one is for walk-up use (available for limited material types), the other can be reserved using the FabJob App.
Check the Calendar to determine when Technical Assistants are on-duty.
Need Help?
Contact a Zünd Cutter Technical Assistant by email at [email protected] or visit Gund L33 during the office hours listed on the Calendar.
Zünd Room Camera
View the Zund Room Camera, Gund L33
(Must be connected to the Harvard network by being on-campus, or connected via VPN to view remotely.)
Reserve the Zünd
Please use the FabJob App to reserve time on the Zünd.
The Fabrication Lab is intended for the use of the faculty, staff, and students enrolled in courses at the Graduate School of Design pursuing academic work. Please see our Policies page for more information.