Milling Machine


  1. Evaluate your intended use and whether this tool is appropriate for the task.
  2. Evaluate Engineering Controls. Are all guards and other safety mechanisms in place?
  3. Don Personal Protective Equipment
  4. Secure workpiece and cutting tools, remove all loose items from the work area
  5. Check direction of spindle rotation
  6. Verify settings (speeds, depth and width of cut) are appropriate for material and tool being used
  7. For CNC operations, in addition to software simulation, consider a dry run without the tool in place, to verify the program.
  8. Start the spindle
  9. Perform cutting
  10. Use cutting fluid as needed to prevent overheating
  11. Stop the spindle and make sure it has come to a complete stop before reaching into or allowing any loose item into the cutting area for any reason
  12. Remove part and
  13. Thoroughly clean the machine and surrounding area after use.
    • Do not use bare hands to clean chips, sweep chips with a brush into a dust pan before disposal.
    • Use a cloth rag to wipe-down any surfaces.

Approved Materials

  • Ferrous and Non-ferrous metals
  • Plastics

Potential Hazards

  • Pinch Points
  • Rotating Parts
  • Sparks and Fire
  • Projectiles
  • Air Contaminants

Required Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Eye Protection: Safety glasses required
  • Ear Protection: None required
  • Respiratory Protection: None required
  • Body Coverings: None required.
    • Gloves are never allowed when using power tools.
    • You may prefer to wear long-sleeved clothing and pants to protect skin from hot chips, but sleeves must not be loose.
    • Remove rings and other jewelry.

Engineering Controls

  • Guards to prevent contact with the cutting tool and mechanical systems generating motion
  • Emergency Stop (E-Stop button)

Emergency Response

  • In the event of an emergency, use the E-Stop button to stop the machine
  • In the event of an injury, fire, or other need requiring medical or attention of emergency personnel, use the blue light phone in the hallway
  • In the event of an injury, fire, or other incident, notify Lab staff


Not applicable.


  • Dispose of all metal chips __________
  • Dispose of all plastic chips in the regular trash

Other Notes