- Required TrainingStudents are encouraged to complete training as early as possible. All returning students, faculty and staff must complete the Fabrication Lab Refresher.
- Reserving Machine TimeReserve Machine Time using the FabJob App. Use a TMP folder for short-term file storage for walk-up use and consultations.
Location: Gund L31, Gund L33, Gund L40, Gund 518, Gund 3rd and 5th Floor Studio North, 485 Broadway Workroom 224
While the most other areas of the Lab are staffed and observe scheduled hours of operation, there are few spaces that are open at all times during the academic semester. Equipment, furniture, and other fixtures to support fabrication activities are available in these locations:
- The Project Room (Gund L31) provides sandblasting cabinet, flammable storage and disposal, spray booth, work tables, liquid waste disposal, sink, emergency eye wash and shower, and spill containment kit.
- A similar open-table work space is located in the workroom, room 224, of 485 Broadway.
- A sewing machine is available in Gund L33.
- A vacuum former is available in Gund L40.
- The Spray Room (Gund 518) provides flammable storage and disposal, as well as four spray booths.
- Hotwire foam cutters are available on the 3rd and 5th floor of Gund Studio North.
Like other areas of the Lab, access is limited to faculty and staff of the GSD, and students enrolled in courses offered at the GSD. Basic Health and Safety training is required for all Lab users.
Project Room Hours
While the Project Room is typically available whenever Gund Hall is open during the academic semesters, hours may be limited in the summer and between semesters.
Project Room Camera
View the Project Room Camera, Gund L31
View the Project Room Rear Camera, Gund L31
View the Spray Room Camera, Gund 518
(Must be connected to the Harvard network by being on-campus, or connected via VPN to view remotely.)
The Fabrication Lab is intended for the use of the faculty, staff, and students enrolled in courses at the Graduate School of Design pursuing academic work. Please see our Policies page for more information.