3D Scanner Tutorial


  • Required Training
    Students are encouraged to complete training as early as possible. All returning students, faculty and staff must complete the Fabrication Lab Refresher.
  • Reserving Machine Time
    Reserve Machine Time using the FabJob App. Use a TMP folder for short-term file storage for walk-up use and consultations.

See the Fabrication Lab Wiki Tutorial, addressing use of the David SLS device and the Artec Eva.

3D Scanner Hours

For the use of the Artec Eva and David SLS Scanners, refer to the TA Office Hours posted online and set up an appointment.

Check the Calendar to determine when Technical Assistants are on duty or whether the space is closed.

Need Help?

Contact a 3D Scanner Technical Assistant by email at [email protected] or visit us in Gund L40 during the office hours listed on the Calendar.