CNC Workflow


  • Required Training
    Students are encouraged to complete training as early as possible. All returning students, faculty and staff must complete the Fabrication Lab Refresher.
  • Reserving Machine Time
    Reserve Machine Time using the FabJob App. Use a TMP folder for short-term file storage for walk-up use and consultations.

All new users of the CNC router are highly encouraged to first consult with a CNC TA or Lab Staff about preparation of their rhino geometry before working in MasterCAM. Attending a digital media workshop on MasterCAM, or reviewing the tutorials are highly recommended.

To consult with CNC Router TAs without first submitting a job, please save files to CNCTMP so that we can more easily access them when you visit.


Prepare Rhino File -> Prepare MasterCAM File -> Upload both Files to Microsoft PowerApp -> Respond to Communication from Lab Staff through Microsoft Teams -> Reserve Time on the Machine with TA assistance -> Arrive to Scheduled Time with Material -> Generate GCode -> Cut File -> Clean-up!

Please start with a template file and observe guidance related to its application.

For more detailed information, see Tutorials.

Submit File

The Fabrication Lab staff will review submitted files and make recommendations for improvement to outcome, and corrections as necessary to reduce machine time and avoid dangerous situations during cutting. We make no guarantee of success and will not create machining files for users.

  • Students must provide their own material, suitably prepared to be held to machine using vacuum table (flat bottom, ideally at least one square corner).
  • Digital files submitted by students should be prepared using a template file and following instruction addressed in Tutorials. One file should be prepared for each sheet or piece of material that needs to be cut.

Step 1:

Submit form online, upload files (MasterCAM and Rhino for each job/part) and select material for each file.

One file should be prepared for each sheet of material that is cut.

Please refer to the Lab Store Product Pricing page for foam materials available to purchase at the GSD. Users are welcome to supply their own materials from other vendors (wood products or other).

Step 2:

Be attentive to notifications from Microsoft Teams. Lab staff will contact you if there are questions or issues with your file(s) that need to be addressed.

Step 3:  

Once approved, you will be invited to coordinate with the CNC Router TAs to schedule a time to machine your part through the Microsoft PowerApp.

  • Arrive on-time, within the reserved window of time.
  • Plan to stay the entire time required to complete the part.
  • Plan to help clean the room and machine, breaking-down waste as needed, after the part is complete.
  • You are welcome to bring a laptop so that you can continue to work while your part(s) are being machined.


RhinoSet-up File, Organize LayersStudent
MasterCAMAssign Geometry to Toolpaths, Setup Stock, Verify Toolpaths for CollisionsStudent
Microsoft PowerAppSubmit Rhino and MasterCAM Files, Specify Material, View Machine ScheduleStudent
Microsoft TeamsCommunicateLab Staff + Student
MasterCAMReview File, Verify Toolpaths for Collisions, Generate GCodeLab Staff

CNC Machine Hours

Machine use must be booked in advance by submitting files for review; consultation is available on a walk-up basis.

Check the Calendar to determine when Technical Assistants are on-duty or whether the space is closed.

Need Help?

Contact a CNC Technical Assistant by email at [email protected] or visit us in Gund L32 during the office hours listed on the Calendar.

CNC Router Room Cameras

View the Router Room Camera, Gund L32

(Must be connected to the Harvard network by being on-campus, or connected via VPN to view remotely.)

Reserve CNC Time

Please use the FabJob App to reserve CNC machine time.