Laser Cutter Settings


  • Required Training
    Students are encouraged to complete training as early as possible. All returning students, faculty and staff must complete the Fabrication Lab Refresher.
  • Reserving Machine Time
    Reserve Machine Time using the FabJob App. Use a TMP folder for short-term file storage for walk-up use and consultations.

Always use the printed settings at each device as a starting-point, based on material type, thickness, and depth of desired cut (through-cut, heavy or light engrave). Perform a test cut and adjust the settings so that the speed is maximized, and the power is minimized, to avoid causing fire and creating burned edges.

Printer Driver Settings

Power Setting

  • Higher power burns deeper. Too much power sacrifices detail. Has no effect on running time.
  • Lower power burns shallower. Too little power sacrifices detail. Has no effect on running time.

Speed Setting

  • Higher speed saves time. Burns shallower and reduces detail.
  • Lower speed increases time. Burns deeper, but too deep may also reduce detail.

PPI Setting

  • Higher PPI increases the burning or melting effect. Produces finer detail if speed is not too fast. Has no effect on running time and very little effect on depth.
  • Lower PPI decreases the burning or melting effect. Reduces image detail if set too low. Has no effect on running time and very little effect on depth. Very low settings are used to perforate the material.

To avoid burned edges on wood and paper products, use a low PPI (suggested starting point 250).

Rule of Thumb

  • Doubling the power doubles the depth of cut and halving the power halves the depth of cut.
  • Halving the speed doubles the depth of cut and doubling the speed halves the depth of cut.

See the Laser Cutter Training Checklist for more detail on the meaning of the above settings.

Laser Cutter Hours

While the Laser Cutters are typically available whenever Gund Hall is open during the academic semesters, hours may be limited in the summer and between semesters.

Check the Calendar to determine when Technical Assistants are on duty or whether the space is closed.

Need Help?

Contact a Laser Cutter Technical Assistant by email at [email protected] or visit us in Gund L40 during the office hours listed on the Calendar.

Laser Room Cameras

View the Front Laser Room Camera, Gund L40

View the Rear Laser Room Camera, Gund L40E

(Must be connected to the Harvard network by being on-campus, or connected via VPN to view remotely.)

Reserve a Laser Cutter

Please use the FabJob App to reserve up to 2 hours of Laser Cutter time per day.