Zünd Workflow


  • Required Training
    Students are encouraged to complete training as early as possible. All returning students, faculty and staff must complete the Fabrication Lab Refresher.
  • Reserving Machine Time
    Reserve Machine Time using the FabJob App. Use a TMP folder for short-term file storage for walk-up use and consultations.

Those interested in using the Zünd have two options:

  1. Schedule a cutting appointment using the Microsoft PowerApp.
    1. Prepare CAD File
    2. Adobe Illustrator
    3. Upload File to App
    4. Respond to Communication from Lab Staff
    5. Schedule Cutting Appointment
    6. visit Gund L33 during Scheduled time
    7. Zünd Cut Editor
    8. Zünd Cut Queue
    9. Zünd Cut Center
    10. Parts are Cut
  2. Walk-in use for jobs in limited materials and methods (see policies):
    1. Prepare CAD File
    2. Adobe Illustrator
    3. Save file(s) to ZUNDTMP
    4. visit Gund L33 during Office Hours (see calendar)
    5. Zünd Cut Editor
    6. Zünd Cut Queue
    7. Zünd Cut Center
    8. Parts are Cut

In either case, please prepare your Adobe Illustrator files in advance, following the Zünd Layer Naming Convention so that the layer information can be easily imported into Zünd Cut Editor.

Prepare File

Please make sure the layers in your file are set up according to the chart below in terms of layer name, so that the drawing can correctly translate into the Zünd software and is more easily understood by Lab staff (see File Prep for more detailed information).

The Zünd software can only execute geometry that is 2D and vector based. It cannot accept BMP, JPG, PNG or 3D models. We can control the depth of certain operations (Score, Crease, Route, Engrave, etc.), but cannot perform true 3D movements.

Layer names should not contain special characters or punctuation. Sub-layers names will export with “:”, breaking the import into Cut Editor. Provide clean geometry – remove duplicate lines and join contours for efficient execution.

Layer NameUse
NO PRINTNotes and reference geometry that will not be used above
Registration Dot1/4″ black dots to align cuts to the printed graphic elements. (Note: will not recognize dots larger than 3/8″)
StockPerimeter of material
CutThrough-cuts: cut order not important
Cut_InsideThrough-cuts: window-like features cut first
Cut_OutsideThrough-cuts: part perimeter features cut last
Score_[number]Partial cuts, defined as % depth, from top
Draw_[color]Features to draw with ball-point pen, marker or Sharpie. (Note: our selection varies, may need to provide your own custom colors or line weights.)
Bevel_[degree]_InsideThrough-cuts: at angle from horizontal, point of blade toward cut
Bevel_[degree]_OutsideThrough-cuts: at angle from horizontal, point of blade away from cut
Vcut_[degree]Partial cut, removing material thickness to allow for fold
Route_InteriorThrough-cuts: bit stays to inside of closed curves
Route_ExteriorThrough-cuts: bit stays to outside of closed curves
Engrave_EPartial cuts: along curve, using v-engraving bit
Engrave_RPartial cuts: along curve, using flat-end router bit
Engrave_FillPartial cuts: remove material within closed curve

For more detailed information and template files, see File Preparation.

Submit File

  • Individuals must provide their own materials (and are advised to bring extra to allow for some test cuts).
  • Files submitted must meet the requirements described within the File Preparation instructions. One file should be prepared for each sheet that needs to be cut.

Step 1:

The Fabrication Lab staff will review files submitted to the Job Queue and notify individuals of any needed changes, or approve the job for scheduling. Some jobs do not require approval before scheduling.

Upload files, specify materials for each job, and provide additional details in the notes.

Step 2:

  • If cutting more than one material type (including thickness), submit multiple jobs.
  • One file should be prepared for each sheet of material that is cut.


Be attentive to posts to Teams and emails from [email protected]. Lab staff will contact you if there are questions or issues with your file(s) that need to be addressed, and will notify you of when the job is approved to be scheduled.

Step 3:

Once approved, return to the App to schedule time on the Zund to cut the job.

Note: Some jobs, based on material type, do not require TA review nor approval and can schedule time on the machine immediately upon submission.

Step 4:

  • Come during your scheduled cutting appointment or during posted Walk-in Hours.
  • If unable to complete all files or jobs during the scheduled time, walk-in hours may be used or another appointment may be scheduled.
  • Please cancel or reschedule reserved time at least 2 hours in advance if you are unable to attend your scheduled cutting appointment; repeat no-shows will result in loss of future access.

Meet with a Zünd TA in Gund L33 to cut your files.


RhinoSet-up File, Organize LayersStudent
Adobe IllustratorDouble-Check Layer Names, Organize ArtboardStudent
Microsoft SharePointSave Files for Walk-In Use to ZUNDTMPStudent
Microsoft PowerAppSubmit Files, Choose MaterialsStudent
Microsoft TeamsCommunicateLab Staff + Student
Cut EditorAssign Method to Layer, Add Registration MethodLab Staff
Cut QueueFiles Ready to CutLab Staff
Cut CenterAssign Tools and Settings to MethodLab Staff

Zünd Cutter Hours

We have two Zünd Cutters available during Office Hours: one is for walk-up use (available for limited material types), the other can be reserved using the FabJob App.

Check the Calendar to determine when Technical Assistants are on-duty.

Need Help?

Contact a Zünd Cutter Technical Assistant by email at [email protected] or visit Gund L33 during the office hours listed on the Calendar.

Zünd Room Camera

View the Zund Room Camera, Gund L33

(Must be connected to the Harvard network by being on-campus, or connected via VPN to view remotely.)

Reserve the Zünd

Please use the FabJob App to reserve time on the Zünd.